Узданица XXI III (2024) (стр. 83-97)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Tiana М. Tošić-Lojanica

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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica21.3.083TL


This study explores the semantic and contextual nuances of the much of a N and something of a N constructions within the framework of Construction Grammar. Relying on corpus analysis and collostructional methods, specifically simple collexeme analysis, the paper aims to identify patterns of noun usage within these constructions. The analysis reveals that while both constructions demonstrate flexibility and inclusivity in accepting a wide range of nouns, they somewhat diverge with respect to meaning and pragmatic functions. The results show that much of a N primarily conveys an assessment of degree, while something of a N functions as a hedging device, relativizing the qualities expressed.


simple collexeme analysis, collostructions, Construction Grammar, corpus analysis, much of a N, something of a N.


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