Integrative Approach in Teaching Physical Education Using Logical- Mathematical Games: A Systematic Review

Узданица XXI II (2024) (стр. 297-309)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Bojan D. Miloradović, Živorad M. Marković, Aleksandar M. Ignjatović

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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica21.2.297M


Integrative approach in teaching implies the unification of the curriculum of different subjects, representing the natural, logical and practical connection of individual scientific disciplines. An integrative approach in the teaching of physical education using logical-mathematical games provides a wide range of possibilities in the implementation and organization of teaching, improving the quality of teaching that can respond to the needs of multitasking and modern life. In such a process students are motivated to work more successfully in order to acquire knowledge allowing them practical application of acquired knowledge. Also, students’ critical thinking is stimulated and the time of active exercise increases, which stimulate students’ cognitive development and has a positive effect on students’ mathematical achievements. The methodology of selection of relevant papers was performed on the basis of searches in electronic databases, and those that contain elements of an integrative approach in the field of research were selected. Based on the analysis of the research, 51 publications were identified, and only 9 publications published in the past 20 years met the criteria of this paper. The need for more detailed research in this area is evident, both due to the insufficient number of researches and due to the examination of the effects of the integrative approach in teaching physical education on motor abilities and skills of the youngest students.


integrative approach, physical education, logical-mathematical games, mathematical achievement.


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