Contrastive Analysis of the Use of Articles with Anthroponyms in the Albanian and English Language

Узданица XXI II (2024) (стр. 113-126)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Marko E. Kukić, Anđela M. Marković

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DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica21.2.113K


This paper undertakes a comparative examination of the usage of articles within the contexts of Albanian and English languages, focusing particularly on anthroponyms ‒ personal names, surnames, and nicknames. Employing a contrastive analysis methodology, the study presents a selection of examples to illustrate the syntactic nuances of article usage with anthroponyms in both languages. Through extracted instances from grammatical literature, the analysis not only delineates the degree of equivalence but also elucidates fundamental characteristics governing the use of articles. The study aims to elucidate the distinct roles and functions of articles in anthroponymic constructions, which exhibit notable disparities between Albanian, an isolate language within the indo-european language family and English, a Germanic language. While syntactic norms and the inherent functions of anthroponyms contribute to these disparities, there are discernible semantic similarities between the two languages in terms of the determinative values of anthroponomic phrases. This research sheds light on the intricate interplay between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in shaping article usage within anthroponymic structures.


anthroponomastics, proper nouns, articles, equivalence, contrastive analysis, Albanian, English.


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