Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2023)

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Authors: D. Šumarac, Z. Perovivić, D. Vatić, T. Curić, I. Nurković, M. Cao
Keywords: Preisach model, cyclic plasticity, trusses


Authors: I. Fetahović, E. Mekić, K. Kuk, B. Popović, E. Dolićanin
Keywords: open learning analytics, ethics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, education


Authors: Atif Avdović
Keywords: extension, linear congruential generator, period, modulus, randomness, number theory


Authors: A. R. Avdić, N. Z. Ðorđević, U. A. Marovac, L. M. Memić, Z. Ć. Dolićanin, G. M. Babić
Keywords: neural networks, decision trees, machine learning, thrombophilia in pregnancy, and prediction.


Authors: A. H. Ansari, S. Maksimović, L. Guran, M. Zhou
Keywords: supertrigonometric and superhyperbolic functions, Mittag-Leffler functions, fractional differential equations


Authors: D. Savić, S. Vučetić, P. Milić
Keywords: database, SQL, NoSQL, performance, web application