Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2022)

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Authors: S. B. Bozkurt Altindag M. Matejic, S. Stankov, E. Milovanovic, I. Milovanovic
Keywords: Topological indices, degree-based invariants, Zagreb indices.


Authors: A. R. Avdic, U. A. Marovac, D. S. Jankovic, S. S. Marovac
Keywords: Electronic health records, natural language processing, diagnosis labeling.


Authors: K. Rackovic Babic
Keywords: data analysis, modeling, statistics.


Authors: A. Sebekovic
Keywords: Generalised Wintgen ideal Legendrian submanifolds, Ricci principal directions, Casorati principal directions.


Authors: D. I. Radovic, I. S. Fetahovic, E. C . Dolicanin
Keywords: GIS, thematic data layers, data types, thematic and topological analyzes, visualization.