Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2022)

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Authors: A. B. Antonevich, E. V. Kuzmina
Keywords: Distribution, equation with generalized coefficients, generalized solution.


Authors: Lj. Kudrjavceva, M. Micunovic, D. Sumarac
Keywords: High velocity trains, elastomeric damping, viscoelastic dissipation.


Authors: S. Stankov, E. Dolicanin, M. Matejic, E. Milovanovic, I. Milovanovic
Keywords: Topological indices, irregularity (of a graph)


Authors: Nebojsa M. Ralevic, Dejan Cebic, Bratislav Iricanin
Keywords: Newton’s method, aggregation function, order of convergence


Authors: S . B. Bozkurt Altındag, M. Matejic, I. Milovanovic, E. Milovanovic
Keywords: Energy of a graph, topological indices.