
Volume 93 (2025) number 2

M. Chen, J. Kim, S. Ham: OS-MSWGBM: Patterns of a General Chemical Model Involving Degn-Harrison Reaction Scheme, pp. 267-290
B. S. Hernandez, P. V. N. Lubenia, E. R. Mendoza: Equilibria Decomposition-Based Comparison of Reaction Networks of Wnt Signaling, pp. 291-318
M. Mohanasundaraganesan, J. L. G. Guirao, S. Rathinam: Theoretical Analysis of Amperometric Biosensor with Substrate and Product Inhibition Involving non – Michaelis – Menten Kinetics, pp. 319-347
S. Hrustić, S. Moranjkić, Z. Nurkanović: Local Stability, Period-Doubling and 1:2 Resonance Bifurcation for a Discretized Chemical Reaction System, pp. 349-378
A. Birkinshaw, P. W. Fowler, J. Goedgebeur, J. Jooken: On Graphs Isomorphic with Their Conduction Graph, pp. 379-413
M. H. Wu, H. A. Witek, R. Podeszwa: Clar Covers and Zhang-Zhang Polynomials of Zigzag and Armchair Carbon Nanotubes, pp. 415-462
K. K. Chandrashekar, J. Srirangan: Topological Properties and Computation of Silicate Networks Using Graph-Invariants, pp. 463-497
J. L. Palacios: A New Probabilistic Molecular Index, pp. 499-507
Y. Alizadeh, I. Gutman, S. Nosratollahi, Z. Hussain: On Relations between Distance-Based Topological Indices, pp. 509-520
A. Ali, T. Došlić, Z. Raza: On Wiener-Type Topological Indices and Their Reciprocals, pp. 521-533
W. Gao: The Sum of a Topological Index and Its Reciprocal Index, pp. 535-547
W. Gao: Extremal Graphs with Respect to Vertex-Degree-Based Topological Indices for -Cyclic Graphs, pp. 549-566
I. Tomescu: Maximum Bond Incident Degree Indices of Trees with Given Independence Number, pp. 567-574