1st International Scientific Conference Steam + X Approach in Education: Research, Practice and Perspectives, 2024 (pp. 138–157)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Stanko Cvjetićanin , Mirjana Maričić , Jasmina Damnjanović , Milica Obadović
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DOI: 10.46793/STEAM-X24.138C
In primary – classroom teaching, there is integration only between the
contents related to natural sciences (integrated sciences – IS). Howev-
er, these contents are insufficiently presented through the STEAM + X
approach, i.e. they are insufficiently connected into a single whole with
technology, engineering, art, mathematics (STEAM), as well as with
other disciplines (X letter in an acronym, such as literature, language,
history, etc.). Based on a detailed analysis of textbooks and manuals
from IS in the Republic of Serbia (RS), no models were found by which
these contents could be presented to students through the STEAM + X
approach. Therefore, it is necessary to create STEAM + X models for
its processing The aim of our research is focused on the selection of
contents and the creation of STEAM + X models for their implemen-
tation within the curricular and extracurricular activities of students.
The created models can be used not only for the implementation of the
STEAM + X approach but also for the creation of new ideas and ways
to connect selected and other IS contents, with one or more different
disciplines. In this way, it would help to adapt classroom teaching in
the RS as much as possible to the individuality of students, to integrate
acquired knowledge into a unique whole, and to connect them with
different forms of social life and activities.
STEAM + X approach, models, teaching, integrated sciences
This research is partially supported by project Creating an environment for STREAM implementation – a step towards the EU funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no.142-451- 3042/2023-01/01), by the project European STEAM+X education strategy in Vojvodina, funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no: 000833937 2024 09418 003 000 000 001 04 002) and by the Ministry of science and technological development through grant 200141his research is partially supported by project Creating an environment for STREAM implementation – a step towards the EU funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no.142-451- 3042/2023-01/01), by the project European STEAM+X education strategy in Vojvodina, funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia (no: 000833937 2024 09418 003 000 000 001 04 002) and by the Ministry of science and technological development through grant 200141.
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