Comparison of Various Machine Learning Methods for Heat Load Prediction in District Heating System

XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024 (pp. 169-172)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Milica Tasić , Ivan Ćirić , Marko Ignjatović , Dušan Stojiljković

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DOI:  10.46793/SAUM24.169T


This paper explores the potential application of supervised machine learning for predicting the energy performance of the district heating system at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš. The operation of this heating system is controlled automatically, while the energy performance is monitored through a SCADA system. Although the SCADA system provides detailed data insights, optimization decisions aimed at saving energy and reducing costs are made by the heating plant operator. The objective of this research is to apply two different machine learning methods, artificial neural networks and random forest analysis, to predict the heating load based on a set of various energy indicators used as input parameters, derived from the SCADA system of the heating plant. The predictions were made for a period spanning 15 days, and the results were obtained using different algorithms of neural networks and random forest analysis in the MATLAB software tool. The primary goal was to present the results of applying these two machine learning methods for heating load prediction, and to compare them by providing a detailed analysis of their performance.


machine learning; artificial neural networks; explainable artificial intelligence; district heating


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