Data-driven Approaches for Intelligent Control in District Heating Systems

XVII International Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements, SAUM 2024 (pp. 35-38)

AUTOR(I) / AUTHOR(S): Dušan Stojiljković , Ivan Ćirić , Stevica Cvetković , Rajko Turudija , Danijela Srećković 

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DOI:  10.46793/SAUM24.035S


An intelligent control system to manage district heating systems is presented in this research with the goals of maximizing energy efficiency, minimizing environmental effects, and reducing heat loss. DHS is a centralized system that uses an insulated network to transfer thermal energy across multiple facilities. Conventional DHS setups use Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) to collect data and control heating processes. However, by adding intelligent control and real-time monitoring and decision-making capabilities, these systems become more efficient. At the University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we suggest an intelligent DHS control model that uses cutting-edge techniques like machine learning algorithms and model-based predictive control to dynamically modify the heat supply in response to demand and weather predictions. IoT sensors, weather stations, and smart meters are just a few of the sources of data that our Data Acquisition Platform (DAP) aggregates into a consolidated PostgreSQL database with a time-series analysis. This platform supports automatic data retrieval scheduled by cron tasks and integrates SCADA for managing remote data gathering and real-time system monitoring. Predictive load balance, better energy distribution, and the possibility of incorporating renewable sources are some of the main advantages. By providing end users with efficient, dependable, and reasonably priced heating options, the suggested method provides a sustainable approach to DHS management.


weather station, SCADA, DAQ, DHS, IoT


This research was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 23-SSF-PRISMA-206, Explainable AI-assisted operations in district heating systems – XAI4HEAT.


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