Одрживи развој : вектор Србије ка будућности (2024), str. 231-246

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Ivan Novković , Velimir Šećerov , Dejan Filipović

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DOI: 10.46793/82154-04-4.231N


Sustainable development is one of the most important goals of societies worldwide, where sustainable development indicators provide insight into its implementation. By analyzing the sustainable development indicators, it is possible to compare the respective territorial units, in terms of the level of sustainable development achieved. Fifteen indicators from all three components of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental, were analyzed for 18 local self-government units of Serbia. Based on the values of the analyzed indicators, a ranking of the local self-government units was performed using fuzzy logic so that comparing indicators, their values and the ranking of local self-government units would be as objective and appropriate as possible. The results show that the municipality of Gornji Milanovac was ranked the highest, followed by the municipalities of Negotin and Ub. The municipalities of Trstenik, Tutin and Preševo achieved the lowest scores.


fuzzy AHP, fuzzy MULTIMOORA, GIS, ranking



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