Paradigms of Digital Competencies of Students in Higher Education in the Age of COVID-19

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 462-469

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Ivana Bulut Bogdanović , Nebojša Denić , Jelena Stojanović , Kostadinka Stojanović , Momir Milić 

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.462BB


This qualitative study aims to investigate the degree of digital competences of students at the university level and their readiness for the modern digital surrounding context. In this sense, the challenges in higher education that are a consequence of the pandemic, COVID 19 will be presented, focusing mainly on the increased use of ICT in the learning process among students. By reviewing the representative literature in the field of digital competences, the existing models and programs for the development of digital competences, i.e. the factors that influence their development, will be evolved. The aforementioned activities will be undertaken with the aim of proposing recommendations for the improvement of educational, i.e. curricula, as well as strategies for the development of digital competences in educational institutions, to investigate students’ perceptions of their digital abilities and needs, as well as to propose recommendations for promotion. For the purposes of the work, research will be conducted through semi-structured interviews, where through cooperation with students and professors We will try to answer the research questions. The results of existing research confirm the hypotheses of this work that based on predictions, there may be significant differences in the level of digital competences among students of different study programs, as well as depending on the availability and use of technology in the educational process. In this direction, it is expected that this research will provide a deep insight into the level of digital competences of students, which will enable a better understanding of their needs and challenges in the modern educational context. We hope that the results of this work will serve as a basis for the development of effective strategies and programs for the improvement of students’ digital competencies. The results of the analysis will also show to what extent the daily use of ICT has burdened students and teachers or made their work easier.


Educational software; Digital literacy; Electronic education, Digital competences, COVID 19


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