The Impact of the KVINK Innovation Incubator on the Development of the Startup Ecosystem at the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 482-455

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Tanja Dulović , Stefan Pajović , Predrag Mladenović , Vladan Grković 

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.448D


Innovation incubators play a crucial role in enhancing the innovation ecosystem by not only supporting the development of new products, technologies, and services but also through providing guidance, support, and resources through the innovation process. Innovation incubators perform such a role by enabling interdisciplinary collaborations through networking and connections to resources as well as by providing mentor programs for acquiring entrepreneurial skills and experience. Therefore, innovation incubators are an essential part of university infrastructure that helps sustain not only individual startup development but also the creation of a robust innovation ecosystem fostering further economic growth and progress. This study analyzes the impact of the innovation incubator on the development of the startup ecosystem at the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (FMCE) in Kraljevo. Through a descriptive approach to research, data from the Kvink innovation incubator were analyzed to determine the support provided by the incubator in forming startup teams, developing innovative projects, and promoting entrepreneurial spirit among students and researchers. The results of the study indicate a significant positive impact of the innovation incubator on the development of the startup ecosystem at FMC. Also, some success factors were identified and challenges were revealed for more sustainable development of the entrepreneurial culture within the faculty.


Kvink innovation incubator; startup ecosystem; Faculty of Mechanical and Civil engineering; entrepreneurship


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