Natural Language Processing in Contextual Modeling for Sentiment Analysis in Serbian and Languages of the Germanic-Romance Language Group

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024, str. 116-123

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Marko M. Živanović

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.116Z


This paper explores context modeling concepts for comparing natural language processing (NLP) of Serbian with the Romance-Germanic language group, focusing on Serbian, English, German, and French. The study delves into vector semantics and embedded representations, utilizing term-document and term-context matrices, cosine similarity measures, TF-IDF, and Pointwise Mutual Information matrices. A special emphasis is placed on the psychological context in defining affective computing and emotions. The research concludes with a sentiment analysis of forum texts originally in Serbian, translated into English, French, and German, highlighting the model’s varying results based on language complexity. Finally, the paper presents model metrics, including comparisons of the ROC/AUC curves, accuracy across various classifiers, and a detailed analysis using SVM classifiers.


Context Modeling; Natural language processing; Vector Semantics; Sentiment Analysis; Affective Computing


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