Enhancing Software Development with Microservice Architecture: Application to an Online Sales System

10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics and Education – TIE 2024 , str. 42-47

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Biljana Savić , Uroš Milačić

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DOI: 10.46793/TIE24.042S


This paper explores the critical role of microservice architecture in modern software development, illustrating its benefits through the creation of an online store as an example. Microservice architecture is highlighted for its capacity to improve scalability, maintainability, and deployment efficiency by decomposing applications into modular, independently deployable services. The approach facilitates a more robust and flexible system design, allowing for easier updates and better resource management. This study underscores the theoretical advantages of microservices, such as enhanced fault isolation and continuous delivery, while providing practical insights into its implementation. The online store example serves as a practical demonstration of these concepts, showcasing how microservice architecture can lead to more efficient and reliable software solutions.


microservice architecture, scalability, software solution, continuous delivery


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