IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 258-268)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Timotei-Bogdan Bacoş, Mirjana Stamenić, Aleksandar Milivojević, Vuk Adžić, Adrian Eugen Cioablă

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.258BB


The reserves of fossil fuels will eventually disappear or be reduced to such quantities that they will no longer be able to cover the sectors of final energy consumption (industry, transport, households, trade). For this reason, technologies are constantly being developed to make efficient and effective use of alternative and renewable energy sources, as well as other types of fuels that have potential but require special technologies to be used. In this sense, the combustion of gaseous fuels with a low calorific value, such as gasses produced as a by-product of the anaerobic decomposition of organic material (biogas or landfill gas) or technological gasses produced in certain production processes (blast furnace gas, gas from cupola furnaces, refinery gas, etc.) or gasses from mines, represents a significant potential that can be used as an alternative fuel. Since the middle of the last century, consideration has been given to the development of technologies that allow gasses that are considered waste gasses to be burned efficiently and safely. The disadvantage of gasses produced by various technological processes is the composition’s instability and, thus, the variability of heat output. If the heat output of a gaseous fuel is extremely low, this fuel cannot burn stably in burners of classic design, as the flame is then usually „blown off“ due to the low combustion rate of this fuel. This article presents the principle of burning gaseous fuels with extremely low heat output in a porous, inert medium. This technology enables efficient heat recovery between the combustion products and the fuel mixture (gaseous fuel + air), significantly extending the range of stable combustion of low calorific value gaseous fuels in various operating modes, which is impossible with classic design burners. This technology is efficient and enables minimal concentrations of components such as nitrogen oxides due to the uniform temperature distribution in the porous inert media of the burner.


Low-calorific gaseous fuels, Combustion in Poros Inert Media, Energy Efficiency


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