IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 233-243)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Milica R. Mladenović, Biljana S. Vučićević, Aleksandar M. Erić

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.233M


The EU has recognised the issue of rural depopulation and has taken political measures to solve it. Smart rural communities, organised in cooperatives using indigenous biomass for energy purpose , are considered an effective solution to alleviate this problem by providing smart services to the local population, leading to higher economic competitiveness.

The experience of Austria, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, and other countries that are leaders in this field, are valuable and can be implemented in our country as well. Restarting the agricultural village cooperative and directing them to produce, in addition to traditional crops, more profitable ones (medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables), to then process, store and market them at the most favorable time, for that and for animal breeding, using their autochthonous energy resources – biomass, is a way to organize sustainable production even on small rural farms. In addition to the above, all thermotechnical equipment and installations can be produced in domestic small and medium enterprises. In this approach, the country’s reindustrialization can begin while also reducing the decline of villages.

The paper presents an overview of the steps that can lead to implementation of the above activities, noting that some parts of this work have already been presented before.


biomass-to-energy, smart rural communities, sustainable development


This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia; grant number 451-03-47/2023-01/200017. Also, this research was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #Grant No 2929, Sustainable deployment of biomass catalytic gasification technology to increase the utilization of renewable energy in the Serbian industry- STABILISE and by Project under grant agreement N° 101136775— INITIATE — HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03.242


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