IX Regionalna konferencija Industrijska energetika i zaštita životne sredine u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope  (str. 85-96)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Mirjana S. Stamenić

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DOI: 10.46793/IEEP24.085S


The energy audit is a standardized procedure that determines the level of energy consumption for the quantity of manufactured products, the indicators that are important for assessing the energy efficiency of the production process or a specific part of the production process, the efficiency of the system that supplies the production plant with energy sources (heating and cooling energy, compressed air, electricity, etc.). The energy audit defines the substance and heat balance of the entire factory, individual installations, and sometimes individual equipment, depending on the quality and resolution of the data collected, i.e., the requirements of the analyses carried out as part of the energy audit. In addition, the proposed measures will improve the energy efficiency of the process, plant, or factory. The measures are then evaluated regarding their technical feasibility, i.e., financial profitability, and finally ranked.
An energy audit is a valuable tool that makes it possible to determine the initial state of energy efficiency, i.e., to quantify the impact after a certain period of implementing measures to improve energy efficiency.
On the other hand, the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy (Official Gazette RS 40/21) and the accompanying regulations prescribe the obligation and frequency of conducting energy audits for the obligated parties of the energy management system.
In this paper, the authors will answer the question of whether the energy audit is an obligation and an unnecessary burden for the obligated parties of the energy management system in the Republic of Serbia or whether it is a valuable tool that has significant financial savings on the one hand, and a positive effect on the environment by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity from non-renewable energy sources and reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere on the other.


Energy audit, Energy Efficiency, Energy Management System


The paper presents the results of the implementation of the Project for Technological Development: Integrated Research in the Field of Macro, Micro, and Nano-Mechanical Engineering, according to the agreement on the implementation and financing of scientific research work NIO No. 451-03-68/2020-14/200105, 2024, Project manager: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Popović, Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade.


[1] *** Law on energy efficiency and rational use of energy, Official Gazette RS, No. 40/2021 (In Serbian)

[2] *** Rulebook on deadlines, scope, and method of conducting an energy audit within the Energy Management System, as well as the content and method of submitting summary from the Report on the conducted energy audit, Official Gazette RS, No. 51/2022 (in Serbian)

[3] *** Rulebook on minimum criteria for conducting an energy audit, Official Gazette RS, No. 45/2023 (in Serbian)

[4] *** Rulebook on the content of the Report on the conducted energy audit, Official Gazette RS, No. 63/2023 (in Serbian)