XIII Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata (str. 293-303)
АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Tatjana Kočetov Mišulić,
Zoran Brujić,
Ivan Lukić,
Vesna Basta Avramov
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DOI: 10.46793/SGISXIII.29TKM
Laminated glued timber as a material paved the way for itself by constantly improving its technical and technological properties and to this day has remained with irreplaceable application in objects of large spans, volumes and special aesthetic requirements. Serbia and the region abound in pioneering glulam buildings that date back to the period before the adoption of any national standards for its design and construction. These objects stand the test of time despite inadequate maintenance and minimal investments, while modern times require reconstruction, a new aesthetic expression and certainly adequate safety and usability in accordance with the current regulations for the design of timber structures.
Through the presentation of the structural phase assessment and the project of reconstruction of a building with a typical structural system in glulam, the paper will point out on doubts that the calculation of the glulam structure meets in light of the current EN regulations, and present as well the applicable methods of rehabilitation and repair techniques.
Glued laminated timber, Three-hinged frame, SRPS and EN regulations, Ties, Strengthening, Reconstruction
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