XIII Međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata  (str. 65-76)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Jelena Pejović, Nina Serdar 

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DOI: 10.46793/SGISXIII.05JP


Seismic risk assessment has been a critical issue in Montenegro since the devastating 1979 earthquake, which initiated the first seismic risk studies to develop a spatial plan for the country. Following the earthquake, significant efforts were made to reduce seismic risks and enforce regulations for constructing earthquake-resistant buildings. These first vulnerability studies were based on damage observations from the 1979 event. However, due to rapid urbanization and increased building construction, particularly in coastal areas with high seismic hazard levels, Montenegro’s seismic risk has substantially increased over time. Unfortunately, Montenegro’s seismic risk assessment was not updated until 2021. At that time, extensive research was undertaken as part of a European Commission-funded project to develop a National Risk Assessment (NRA). This comprehensive study followed EU guidelines to ensure that prevention, preparedness, and planning measures were consistent and comparable with those of EU member states. The development of the NRA faced many obstacles, primarily due to a lack of sufficient data, particularly in the building exposure model. In this paper, the methodology used for the seismic risk assessment is presented, focusing on the main uncertainties associated with the used SERA building exposure data. It also introduces a refined SERA exposure model tailored for building typologies in northern Montenegro and outlines ongoing and future research efforts aimed at continuously improving the exposure model.


Seismic risk, exposure model, SERA model, residential buildings, impact on people, repair costs


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