XIX међународна конференција Безбедност саобраћаја у локалној заједници (стр. 441-451)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Marko Slavulj, Zlatko Boros, Dino Šojat, Matija Sikirić

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DOI: 10.46793/RSafLC24.441S


Road safety is a crucial component of the sustainable mobility, which is additionally emphasized by the fact that road safety improvements are on the political agenda of the European Commission. Road transport is the most vulnerable traffic mode, and in densely populated urban areas road accidents occur more frequently because of higher number of conflicts among traffic participants using different modes. This paper provides a detailed analysis of road safety in the Municipality of Brdovec. The data used in the analysis was provided by the ministry of interior in charge for 2018 to 2023, to give an insight into the current state. Then the paper focuses on road accident analysis considering time, location, and participants as inputs, providing the results in form of indicators – locations of increased risk and contributing factors. The goal of the analysis is to develop recommendations and strategies to improve road safety in the Municipality of Brdovec based on the provided indicators, as well as preventive measures for infrastructure improvements leading to better road safety.


ocations of increased risk, indicators, Municipality of Brdovec, road safety, road traffic


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