Правна регулатива услуга у националним законодавствима и праву Европске Уније (2023) (стр. 803-814) 

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Катерина Крстевска Савовска, Богданцо Гогов, Ице Илијевски

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DOI: 10.46793/XIXMajsko.803KS


The Paper shall pay attention to the Law on Higher Education that was adopted by the Macedonian Assembly in 2018. This Law is important because of its goal regarding the fight against corruption. Namely, it prescribes an obligation to the University’s Senate to elect an authorized person among the full-time professors for receiving corruption reports. Having in mind such provision, as well as the duty of the Senate to adopt a general act about the work and monthly remuneration of the authorized person, Requests for access to public information were send to the Macedonian universities.

From the used references and the answers provided by the universities, the Paper shall be able to establish whether the universities are prepared to fulfil their responsibilities regarding prevention and protection against corruption. Additionally, the Paper shall give a special focus to the reports that the authorized persons for receiving corruption reports have submitted to the Senate, particularly from the aspect of received corruption reports.


Corruption; Receiving reports; University; Authorized person; Macedonia.


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