AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Gorica Djelic, Milica Pavlovic, Snezana Brankovic, Dusko Brkovic, Zoran Simic, Vesna Velickovic
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT28.305DJ
In this study, extracts of the aerial partsof Sanguisorba minorScop. wereanalysed for antioxidant activity, quantification of the total phenolic and flavonoid and bioaccumulation potential of heavy metals.The total phenols amounts was the highest at acetone´sextracts of root (117.27 mg GAE /g dry weight), stem and leaf (133.61 mg GAE /g dry weight ) and flower (116.77 mg GAE /g dry weight) and total flavonoids acetone´sextractsof flower (50.69 mg RU/g). The highest DPPH-scavenging capacity had flower methanol extract 7.08 (IC50 µg/ml). The plant accumulates large amounts of Zn, Ni and Cu in the root, stem and leaf and flower. Otherwise Mn, Cr and Pb are represented in whole plant.
Sanguisorba minor, antioxidant potential, total phenolics, metals
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