AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Victoria Yefymenko

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DOI: 10.46793/LLD24.197Y


In our paper we will discuss the adaptation of literary texts in other media, in particular in comics. We will answer the question how the specificity of a new medium shapes the adaptation. The data will include such comics adaptations as Gaiman’s AMidsummer Night’s Dream and Comeau’s Ninja-rella. In our analysis we will apply comparative, narratological and multimodal approaches. We will compare the source literary texts with the target comics adaptations, examine the main transformations of classic literary texts in a new medium. Intertextual references will be traced at the level of comics titles, names of the characters and their characteristics, quotes and semi-quotes, which paraphrase the original texts. We will outline comics-specific features, emanata and onomatopoeic words. Special attention will be given to the page layout, an essential comics element that “gives overall coherence to the narrative discourse” (Groensteen, 2013: 96), as well as different types of transitions between panels. Comics are closely related to cinematic language, so they make use of various cinematic devices. From the narratological perspective we will examine spatial and temporal structures, devices for presenting a character’s subjectivity. The application of the multimodal approach will result in the analysis of text-image relations.


comics, adaptation, transmediality, narratology, multimodality


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