Accumulation of Lead (Pb) in „Sideritis montana“

Етноботаника 4 (2024), Том 2 (стр. 89-100)

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Vesna P. Stankov Jovanović, Marija D. Ilić, Marija S. Marković, Jelena S. Nikolić, Slobodan А. Ćirić, Marija V. Dimitrijević, Miloš M. Rajković

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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot24.089SJ


Lead (Pb) contamination remains a global environmental concern due to its potential impact on ecosystems and human health. Sideritis montana has gained attention as a potential bioindicator of heavy metal pollution. The research explores the levels of lead in S. montana and assesses the risk for safe use of this potentially medicinal plant. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of Pb accumulation in S. montana from three different locations. The obtained results indicate variations in the accumulation of Pb by the plant species S. montana, which reflects the influence of environmental factors on the accumulation of toxic metals by plants. ICP-OES determined concentrations of Pb for Kravlje (control site), Gornje Polje (near landfil), and Rgoštanska Čuka (burned habitat) locations were 0.33, 20.62 and 0.35 ppm, respectively. This study underscores the multifaceted role of Sideritis montana as a bioindicator. It highlights the need for comprehensive monitoring of Pb contamination in ecosystems where S. montana grows.


Sideritis montana, heavy metals, lead, environmental contamination


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