Natural and sociodemographic potentials of the Pirot District [Serbia] for the collection and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic herbs / Природни и социодемографски потенцијали Пиротског округа (Србија) за сакупљање и гајење лековитог и ароматичног биља

Етноботаника 3 (2023), стр. 103-132

АУТОР(И): Sonja Z. Braunović, Filip A. Jovanović, Biljana M. Nikolić, Marija S. Marković, Saša M. Eremija, Ljubinko B. Rakonjac


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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot23.103B


The study examines literature and statistical data on the geographical position, environmental conditions, and socio-demographic characteristics of the Pirot District to determine and evaluate the prospects for sustainable collection and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic herbs within the district. To process the data, SWOT and PESTEL analyses were employed.

Our findings reveal a high potential for agricultural development in the district, stemming from its favorable geographical position, suitable climate conditions (sufficient amount and uniform distribution of precipitation during the growing season), extensive area of preserved nature, a wide variety of wild medicinal and aromatic herbs, a favourable average population age (45.4 years), a substantial share of working (65.5%) and agricultural population (32.6%), a large area of agricultural land (111,195.60 hectares), a high number of agricultural farms (11,873), availability for irrigation and sufficient quantities of natural fertilizers, and the potential for designating fields for organic agricultural production. Only 46.2% of the available agricultural land is currently utilized, with a predominant focus on grain and fodder crops, while the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic herbs remains underrepresented in the area.

Although there is no data on the amount of herbal raw materials collected from nature, existing literature suggests that a third of the total domestic production of medicinal and aromatic herbs is realized in the district. The primary herb cultivated is immortelle (62.5%), along with other herbs, such as lavender (15.1%), lemon balm (5.6%), chamomile (3.8%), coriander (<0.8%), and hyssop (<0.8%).

Based on the data presented, it can be argued that the potential of the district for agricultural production remains largely untapped. A substantial portion of the population, mostly unemployed residents, could be involved in the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic herbs, possibly representing the most lucrative form of agricultural production. Consequently, it can be concluded that the Pirot District, unlike hardly any other region in the Republic of Serbia, offers exceptional conditions for the expansion of organic agriculture. The sustainable utilization of wild plants and the organic production of medicinal and aromatic herbs represent significant opportunities for the economic advancement of local farms.


medicinal plants, sustainable use, production, environmental conditions, sociodemographic, Pirot District


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