Vascular Flora of Lyubash and Strazha (Paramun) mountains and their medicinal plants / Visša flora na Lюbaš i Straža (Paramun) planina i učastvaщite v neя lečebni rasteniя

Etnobotanika 2 (2022), str. 129-143

AUTOR(I):  Dimitar S. Dimitrov


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DOI: 10.46793/EtnBot22.129D


As a result of the performed research of the vascular flora of Lyubash and Strazha (Paramun) mountains, a total of 128 vascular plants were found and established specifically for Lyubash and 98 vascular plants for Strazha (Paramun) mountain. A further break down of these species resulted in 48 families and 108 genera established for Lyubash, while Strazha (Paramun) accounted for 33 families and 82 genera. In addition, a floristic analysis was performed, as a result of which 82 species of medicinal plants were determined. Among these 82 medicinal plants, 1 Bulgarian endemite and 11 Balkan endemites were found. There were also 18 relict species and 1 Quaternary postglacial relict found. The plant species with a conservation status found were 4: Galanthus elwesii Hook f., Edrajanthus serbicus Petrovic, Himanthoglossum jankae Somlyay, Kreutz & Ovari and Fritillaria orientalis Adams. As per the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), there were 3 relevant species found: Himantoglossum jankae Somlyay, Kreutz & Ovari, Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soo and Orchis mascula L.


floristic analysis, medicinal plants, floristic complex


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