АУТОР(И): Filip Stojkovski, Sašo Belšak, Robert Broz
Е-АДРЕСА: filip.stojkovski@iskraimpuls.si
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DOI: 10.46793/EEE22-3.47S
Dams and Hydropower plants in the Balkan region, especially in the countries of Ex-Yugoslavia, are coming to a period were reconstruction works have to be considered, to prolong their operational period and to improve their performance. The following paper represents a sublimate of series of steps taken for reconstruction and performance improvement of a Dam Bottom Outlet Regulation Gate. As the standards back in those days were slightly different from todays, and the equipment manufacture was also different, the main challenge was to take certain steps, such as analytical calculation approach, numerical CFD and FEA simulations and also mechanical reconstruction works, to make scope of workflows on the hydraulic gate, to improve operational range, reduce lifting loads and improve gate vibrations. Numerical simulations of the outflow conditions of the bottom outlet were carried out, and later were proved with drone footage to observe the outflow pattern. Besides, full dry and wet test measurements were made before and after reconstruction works, where significant performance improvement of the gate operation was achieved.
Hydraulic Gates, Reconstruction Works, CFD, FEA, Performance Improvement
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