AUTOR(I): Radmila Koleva, Darko Babunski, Emil Zaev, Atanasko Tuneski, Laze Trajkovski
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DOI: 10.46793/EEE22-3.39K
A new approach to efficient, faster, and intelligent hydropower plant (HPP) control, where constituent equipment is described with highly non-linear mathematical models based on the recommendation from the working group of IEEE on prime movers, is represented in this paper. HPP stability and high efficiency are important factors dependent on the dynamic changes in the energy system demands and the starting time of the plant because the obtained energy is very flexible to those changes in the energy system. This paper is shown and analysed the implementation of the artificial neural network-based controller with PID as an auxiliary controller which helped achieve better behaviour, faster plant stabilization, and operation.
The benefits of new technologies and possibilities led to improvements in HPP control and faster system operation. This is achieved by using MATLAB® – Deep Learning Toolbox whereas the simulations are prepared in Simulink. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a technique used in the HPP control systems have advantages in getting a stable and faster response but the complexity of the structure behind the neural networks (NN), meaning algorithms, number of hidden layers, training function, activation function can complicate and destabilize the process. In this paper, the focus is put on the mechanical power responses improvement and the advantages of implementing new technologies contrary to the problems that can occur by using them such as plant destabilization by implementing minor changes, fitting parameters, learning, and training processes, number of hidden layers/neurons, number of epochs, etc.
Hydro Power Plant, Control, Artificial Neural Networks, PID
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