Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2020)

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Authors: Malkowsky E.
Keywords: Sequence spaces; bounded linear operators; Hausdorff measure of noncompactness; regular and compact operators
Authors: Kočinac Lj.D.R., Çetkin V., Dolićanin Đekić D.
Keywords: F-2-Menger bounded; F-2-Hurewicz bounded; F-2-Rothberger bounded; game theory


Authors: Milovanović I., Matejić M., Milovanović E., Ali A.
Keywords: Topological indices and coindices; first Zagreb index; forgotten index; general zeroth-order Randic index


Authors: Kajan E.
Keywords: IoT; interoperability; security; SE paradigms; social networking


Authors: Jevremovć Vesna, Avdović Atif
Keywords: Quality control; control charts; quantiles; empirical distribution function; p-value