Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2020)

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Authors: Sanatee A.G., Iranmanesh M., Mishra L.N., Mishra V.N.
Keywords: 2-proximal C-contraction mapping; best proximity point; 2-metric space


Authors: Šegan S.D.
Keywords: applied mathematics; informatics; mechanics


Authors: Zogić E.H., Glogić E.R.
Keywords: second Zagreb index; diameter; trees


Authors: Matejić M.M., Milovanović E.I., Milovanović I.
Keywords: topological indices and coindices; sum-connectivity coindex; multiplicative Zagreb coindex


Authors: Jevremović Vesna, Avdović Atif
Keywords: quality control; X-bar charts; empirical distribution function; Kolmogorovs distribution; control band


Authors: Mishra L.N., Mishra V.N., Gautam P., Negi K.
Keywords: quasi-partial b-metric space; fixed point theorems; qpb Ćirić-Reich-Rus cyclic contraction mapping