Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2019)

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Authors: Iranmanrsh M., Soleimany F., Radenović S.
Keywords: partial metric space; fixed points; best approximation


Authors: Belaïdi Benharrat, Benkarouba Yamina
Keywords: complex linear difference equation; meromorphic solution; iterated p-order; iterated p-type


Authors: Matejić M., Mitić B., Milovanović E., Milovanović I.
Keywords: irregularity of graph; Zagreb indices; inverse sum indeg index; Alberson index


Authors: Stanković Veljko
Keywords: signal processing; direction of arrival estimation; frequency estimation; array processing


Authors: Gunaseelan M., Mishra L.N.
Keywords: coupled fixed point; complex partial metric space