Metal content in common daisy („Bellis perennis L.“) and correspond soils from Niš city area (Serbia)

Chemia Naissensis Volume 2, No.1 (2019) (стр. 96-113) 

АУТОР(И) / AUTHOR(S): Milan Stojković, Marija Jevtić, Jovana Pavlović


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DOI: 10.46793/ChemN2.1.096S


Bellis perennis L. is a common species of daisy, of the Asteraceae family. It is usually found in grasslands, meadows, gardens, urban areas and areas near the roadsides. Emission of heavy metals from traffic activities is an important pollution source to roadside ecosystems. This study focused on ICP OES quantification of some metals of common daisy samples and their growing soils. Plant material (B. perennis L.) and belonging soils from 16 different locations of Niš city area (South-East Serbia) were used for the ICP OES determination of metal content. The concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn were calculated on a dry weight basis. The pseudo-total metal content of equivalent growing soils was also determined. The study showed that heavy metal content of plant material and growing soils was below the maximally allowed concentrations or below the limit of detection, so we can say that contamination was detected neither in B. perrenis plant material nor in the growing soils.


daisy, metals, ICP OES, contamination, soil


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