Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem (Čačak: 27; 2022) (str. 497-502)
AUTOR(I): Milica Luković, Sonja Veljović, Marija Kostić
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DOI: 10.46793/SBT27.497L
Current food biotechnology trends and final gastronomic products in recent times include unusual exotic plants as bases, salads, side dishes or drinks. Considering these trends halophytes could be potentially positioned as a novel source of gastronomic products and bioactive compounds. Many halophytes are used as food, fodder or medicinal plants. In the Serbia is one countries with well developed halophytic flora. This article aimed to investigate the place of halophytes in actual traditional utilization and make a list of species suitable for food preparation with confirmed use and nutritional value comparable with other countries.
edible halophytes, traditional use, potential gastronomic products
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