Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem (Čačak: 27; 2022) (str. 303-308)

AUTOR(I): Jelena Popović-Djordjević, Goran Marković, Vibor Roje, Beka Sarić, Jelena Mutić

E-ADRESA: jelenadj@agrif.bg.ac.rs

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DOI: 10.46793/SBT27.303PD


Water is one of Nature’s most valuable resources. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) in nineteen water samples collected in the area of Deliblato Sands (southern Banat, Serbia). Concentrations of Fe and Mn were determined using Inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) analytical technic. In most studied samples concentrations of Fe and Mn were 5-10-fold higher than the maximum allowed concentrations (MAC – 50 μg/L) established by national regulations on the water quality for human use. The elevated concentrations of studied elements could be attributed to the geology of the terrain in the studied region.


Deliblato Sands, water quality, metals, ICP-OES analysis


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