Зборник радова „Устав СФРЈ из 1974. године – 50 година касније“, 2025 (стр. 85-110)

AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Alexios Panagopoulos , Vassilios Anyfantis

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DOI: 10.46793/Ustav74.085P


The article refers to the sensitive relationship of the constitution with morals and ethics. The rules of ethics derive from the conscience of each person, which becomes the natural lawgiver and judge of his actions, which is why a state of law must develop the moral self-awareness of its citizens. The center of our search also concerns the question of whether and to what extent the constitutions of European states, when indeed the concept of the rule of law prevails, if they finally accept individual morality and ethics and to what extent they can impose certain moral standards. Scientific research shows that modern and contemporary constitutional legislators tend to be self-restrained and neutral on the issues of morality, avoiding to legislate specific moral values. The statement applies both to constitutional rights and to the public and administrative organizational part, with some special nuances for private and public life. Our reflection concerns the European constitutional and international space, up to the legal framework of the European and American constitution. Human constitutional rights have a prominent place in our research, as they arise from the application and combined interpretation of the constitution for the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the constitutional Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. We conclude that legislative and constitutional value is aided by the formation of personal morality and ethics towards our fellow human beings. The position of ethics in constitutional public life is also examined, where self-restraint should prevail in matters of public political ethics, without ignoring that what is being sought is the due fight against public political corruption and care for the sanitization of constitutional political morals.


Constitution, morals, ethics, political corruption, public sanitation


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