АУТОР(И): Mojca Žefran, Anja Pirih, Silva Bratož
Е-АДРЕСА: mojca.zefran@pef.upr.si, anja.pirih@upr.si, silva.bratoz@upr.si
DOI: 10.46793/NNU21.149Z
In developing the language education policy, the Council of Europe recognised the promotion of language diversity as one of Europe’s key goals and e thus emphasised the teaching and dissemination of the languages of EU Member States. The development of plurilingual and multilingual competences involves, among other things, the forming of positive attitudes towards foreign/second/additional languages. It is assumed that teachers play an important role in developing learnersʼ language attitudes and can have a considerable influence on their beliefs. Therefore, the main aim of the present study is to identify and explore future teachers‟ attitudes towards linguistic diversity from a comparative perspective. A survey conducted among Slovene and German students who are studying to be primary school teachers looks atthe respondents‟general attitudes and beliefs related to language learning and linguistic diversity, their motivation for learning additional languages and their attitudes towards connecting language and culture. Finally, since the two institutions surveyed are both located in bilingual environments, the study investigates the different ways in which environmental factors shape education students‟ views and attitudes towards multilingualism. The results suggest a rather complex picture of attitudes and beliefs as expressed by the population surveyed.
foreign language attitudes, plurilingualism, multilingualism, language policy, foreign/second languages.
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