Climate changes and ecological sustainability in agriculture and food production in Serbia, the region and Southeastern Europe : proceedings, (pp. 417-424)
AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Ramona Ručnov
House of Knowledge, Center for Creative Education, Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: 10.46793/MAK2025.417R
School cooperatives are present in the schools of the Republic of Serbia, but they are not formed to a sufficient extent, in order to follow the trends of sustainable development, and act to promote agriculture, food production and climate change. The goal of this paper is to show how a school cooperative can contribute to increasing not only the economic, but also the social effect. For such a thing, it is necessary to include the relevant ministries in the formation of the School Cooperative Program, in order to raise the school cooperative to the rank of institutions of social importance. Studying the programs and methods of program implementation, as well as the results of the work of school cooperatives in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary: modernize the program, expand the scope of topics that are covered/applied in schools, educate school principals for the organization of school cooperatives, educate teaching staff to work with students in school cooperatives, and connect school cooperatives with important economic institutions. As a result of our work, the Work Program of the school cooperative was created, which is an integral part of this work.
School cooperative, Sustainable development, Agriculture, Food production, Climate
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