Climate changes and ecological sustainability in agriculture and food production in Serbia, the region and Southeastern Europe : proceedings, (pp. 263-270)

AUTHOR(S) / АУТОР(И): Maja Meseldžija1, Milica Dudić1, Radovan Begović2, Milica Vranešević1

1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2Kite doo Novi Sad, Čenej, Serbia

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DOI: 10.46793/MAK2025.263M


Maize crops are affected by weeds which can reduce yield and by climate change which can positively or negatively affect both crops and weeds. The aim of study was analysis of weed species (biological and ecological characteristics) in maize weed community under extreme climate conditions. The investigation was performed during the maize vegetation season in 2017 and 2024, as exceptionally dry and hot years. The weed flora in maize consisted of 12 species in 2017 and 10 species in 2024, with dominance of broadleaf weeds. The most represented life forms were therophytes (75% and 80% through the years), with a significant dominance of weed ruderal species. Ecological analysis indicated that the maize agroecosystems were moderately dry (F= 2.31), neutral in pH value (R= 3.30), eutrophic (N= 3.81), moderately rich in humus (H= 2.87), well-aerated (D= 3.37), warm (T= 4.31), lighted (L=3.93) and unsalted (S =75%; S+ = 25%). These species are adapted to the moderate continental climate conditions (K= 3.12). The variations in weed population observed between two years in the studied areas can be attributed to climate conditions, which play a crucial role on life cycle duration, weed spread and population dynamics. In 2017 most common weeds were Ambrosia artemisiifolia (14.25 weeds m-2) and Chenopodium album (32.50 weeds m-2), with a total weeds abundance of 99.75 weeds m-2. In 2024, which was warmer and with less precipitation during the vegetative period, the dominant weed species was Setaria viridis (10.50 weeds m-2) with total weeds abundance of 22.50 weeds m-2. Results showed that weeds in maize fields undergo notable shifts over time driven by climate change and site-specific factors in relation to long-term average of temperature and precipitation.


Maize crop, Weeds, Biological and ecological characteristics, Climate change


The research in this paper is part of a project entitled: Determination of excess water in Vojvodina within the framework of climate change and extreme hydrometeorological phenomena (contract no. 002955429 2024 09418 003 000 000 001) funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research activity.


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