Law in the process of globalisation (2018), (стр. 409-426) 

АУТОР: Suzana Bubic


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DOI: 10.46793/LawPG.409B


The concept of globalisation is mostly discussed as an economic, political and cultural process and the manifestations of them. Only recently in legal academic literature a judicial globalisation process or a globalisation in the legal sphere is pointed out. The concept of globalisation is connected with the law, particularly with family and family law. In this paper, the author considers some important changes in family law caused by globalisation, which occurred under the influence of American law and the practice of European Court of Human Rights. As example of the first, the author considers trends of the introduction the divorce out of court, while the changed approach to same-sex couples is offered as an instance of the influence, mainly, of the European practice. 


globalisation, family, family law, divorce out of court, same-sex couples.


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