Law in the process of globalisation (2018), (стр. 201-218)
АУТОР: Dragana Petrovic
DOI: 10.46793/LawPG.201P
There is no a single spot on our planet where the organized crime on drug trafficking has not spread its tentacles, as a suprasystemic creature, it embraced all countries in the world – there is no a single isolated jolly island left! The extreme adaptability of this phenomenon, its unbelievable magnetism in gluttony for making profit, porosity of state borders and their interconnection at all levels….represent the basic driving engine for drug trafficking. Unfortunately, it has been proved that the „balloon“ in the businesses of narco bosses can be endlessly inflated. This assessment may seem exaggerated and terrifying, but the author points out, that therefore it is understanding why the efforts are invested in outsmarting and blocking all the circumstances which surround and support the manifestation of this kind of organized crime.
misuse of narcotics, organized crime, unauthorized manufacture and trade, possession of narcotics for personal use, criminal liability, sanctions
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