Nasleđe 48 (2021), str. 237-254

AUTOR(I): TatjanaS.Grujić


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DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2148.237G


In this study the Conceptual Metaphor Theory is applied to explore how economy is conceptualized in English and Serbian by means of machine metaphors. Economy is the domain of human activity which comprises production, distribution, trade and con-sumption of goods and services and whose central aspect in all cultures is work, defined as carrying out of tasks to cater to human needs. Our analysis demonstrates that the machine metaphor structures the target domain of economy in such a way to highlight work in both languages. The central mapping is established between the function-ing of various types of machines and a whole range of economic activities so that smooth operation and high efficiency typical of machines are promoted as the most desirable qualities of individuals or organizations. Consequently, additional mappings involve the durability or reliability of machines and the quality of both human work and its product. Other source domain elements, typically negative aspects of machine work (such as malfunctions, breakdowns, glitches, and spare part replacements), also structure the domain of economy. The findings indicate that the machine metaphor primarily serves to hide the dehumanizing nature of modern work and to promote continuous production and consumption of goods.


conceptual metaphor, conceptualization of economy, machine metaphor, English, Serbian


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