Е-АДРЕСА / E-MAIL: dejan.ivezic@rgf.bg.ac.rs
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DOI: 10.46793/EEE23-1.17I
Final energy consumption in the industrial sector accounts for almost 25% of energy-related final energy consumption in the Republic of Serbia. It is estimated that 50-70% of energy consumption in industry, is intended to heat production in various industrial processes. Some of the produced heat is irreversibly wasted: through walls of process equipment, as the energy of flue gases, wastewater, etc.
Utilization of waste heat for meeting heating needs, within or outside of an industrial facility, although possible and recommended, is a challenging task. Carriers of waste heat may be different (flue gases from the combustion process, liquid fluids from the washing, drying or cooling process, etc.), as well as their temperature range (from below 50°C to over 500°C.). Availability of waste heat is highly dependent on industrial processes, while potential consumers often may be distanced from an industrial site.
The paper presents the results of the evaluation of waste heat potential for some industrial subbranches in Serbia, based on a previously developed methodology. Based on data about energy consumption in selected subbranches of industry, and the temperature of waste heat carriers, the theoretical potential of this alternative source for direct utilization or utilization by compression heat pumps in district heating systems is determined.
Waste heat, Industry, heat demand
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