Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2021)

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Authors: Gutman Ivan, Kulli Veerabhadrappa R., Redžepović Izudin
Keywords: Sombor index; Kragujevac tree; Zagreb index


Authors: Noureen Sadia, Ahmad Bhatti Akhlaq
Keywords: topological indices; modified first Zagreb connection index; trees; matching number


Authors: Stankov S.D., Matejić M.M., Milovanović E.I., Milovanović Ž.I.
Keywords: topological indices; arithmetic-geometric index


Authors: Eskicioğlu Ömer Can, Dolićanin Edin, Işık Ali Hakan, Rifai Kuçi
Keywords: image preprocessing; VGG-16; Xception; CLAHE method; traffic sign detection