Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2021)

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Authors: Bozkurt Altindağ S.B., Milovanović I., Matejić M., Milovanović E.
Keywords: topological indices; degree Kirchhoff index


Authors: Borovićanin B., Zogić E.
Keywords: second Zagreb index; diameter; matching number; domination number


Authors: Marovac U.A., Avdić A.M., Ljajić A.B.
Keywords: stop words; Serbian; text mining; natural language processing; normalization


Authors: Milosavljević D., Radaković A., Čukanović D., Bogdanović G., Husović S.
Keywords: shape function; high order shear deformation theories; cross-ply composite laminates