Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2018)

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Authors: Yakovlev A. B.
Keywords: variable electric charge; the canonical equations; the near Earth space; manmade microparticles


Authors: Todorov Todor D.
Keywords: well-posedness; unconstrained minimization problem; nonlocal boundary conditions


Authors: Elzain Abd Elmoniem Ahmed
Keywords: Indoor Radon; Effective dose; CR-39; Relative risk of Lung cancer


Authors: Zogić E., Borovičanin B., Milovanović E. I., Milovanović I. Ž.
Keywords: Topological indices; vertex degree; Randić degree-based energy (of graph)


Authors: Glogić E., Matejić M., Milovanović E. I., Milovanović I. Ž.
Keywords: Topological indices; vertex degree; Kirchhoff index