Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 1 (2018)

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Authors: Zemirni Mohamed Amine, Belaıdi Benharrat
Keywords: complex differential equation; analytic function; [p, q]-order


Authors: Abbas Mahmoud I.
Keywords: geometrical solid angle; geometrical efficiency; linear sources; circular detector


Authors: Janda Jiři, Ticha Jitka
Keywords: rapid bioassay method; microwave decomposition; solid-state scintillation; YAP:Ce


Authors: Zogić E., Borovićanin B., Milovanović I., Milovanović E.
Keywords: topological indices; adjacency matrices; bounds of eigenvalues


Authors: Shainy Shendra V., Balaji V.
Keywords: skolem mean like labeling; skolem mean like graph; path and star


Authors: Milovanović I.Ž., Matejić M.M., Milovanović E.I.
Keywords: arithmetic-geometric index; Zagreb indices; multiplicative Zagreb indices


Authors: Glišović Nataša, Ralević Nebojša M., Ćebić Dejan
Keywords: McDougall and Wotherspoon method; root-finding; iterative method; numerical method