Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2016)

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Authors: Badshah Hussain Viquar, Bhagat Prakash, Shukla Satish
Keywords: fixed point; cone 2-metric; comparison function; α-φ-contractive mapping


Authors: Kadelburg Z., Paunović Lj., Radenović S., Rad Soleimani G.
Keywords: topological vector space; ordered normed space; cone metric space; b-metric space; tvs-cone b-metric space; Minkowski functional


Approximations for soft fuzzy rough sets

Authors: Beg Ismat, Rashid Tabasam
Keywords: fuzzy set; rough set; soft set; soft fuzzy rough set; approximations


Authors: Hussain A., Arshad M., Abbas M., Dolićanin Đekić D.
Keywords: best proximity point; non-self-mapping; (α -η , ψ)-proximal contraction; closed ball


Authors: Murthy P.P., Tas K., Rashmi K., Mishra L.N.
Keywords: sub-compatible maps; weakly commuting mappings; fixed point


Authors: Xavier G.B.A., Kumar S.U.V., Mohan B.
Keywords: two dimensional difference operator; two dimensional Fibonacci sequence; closed form solution; Fibonacci summation formula


Authors: Boutiche M.A., Belbachir H., Gutman I.
Keywords: Merrifield-Simmons index; Hosoya index; thorn graph; independent vertex sets; independent edge sets


Authors: Ansari A.H., Chandok S., Došenović T., Radenović S.
Keywords: complete metric space; altering distance function; αβ -contractive mapping; fixed point