Scientific Publications Of The State University Of Novi Pazar 2 (2015)

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Authors: Evkhuta N., Zabreǐko P. P.
Keywords: Hilbert spaces; Banach spaces; Bynum’s property


Authors: Levenshtam V.B., Shubin P.E.
Keywords: normal ODE system; boundary value problems; high frequency; averaging method


Authors: Barbarić Ž., Pavlović A., Nikolić V.
Keywords: equivalent temperature; emissivity; reflectivity; infrared thermal imager (thermovision)


Authors: E. Milovanović, E. Glogić, I. Milovanović, M. Cvjetković
Keywords: irregularity measures (of graph); Zagreb index; Randić index


Authors: Aleksić T., Petrović M.
Keywords: graph; cactus; spread; least eigenvalue; index


Authors: Dolićanin E., Vučković D., Obrenović M., Fetahović I., Stanković K.
Keywords: flash memory; radiation hardness; floating gate; Monte-Carlo simulations