AUTHOR(S) / AUTOR(I): Miloš D. Đurić
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DOI: 10.46793/LLD24.293DJ
The object of this study is to provide a descriptive account of Ronat-Chomsky dialogues in French and English. While analyzing the corpus data I utilize structural analysis combined with some aspects of discourse analysis and textlinguistics. In the first part of the paper, I discuss some previous and current approaches to certain pertinent terms. The second part provides a brief and concise description of some aspects of the development of generative grammar (GG), since GG is in the focus of the Ronat-Chomsky dialogues. Then, the third part provides a brief corpus description. The fourth part is an attempt at establishing unified treatment of Ronat-Chomsky Corpus (RCC). Ultimately, the fifth part represents winding up and provides certain concluding remarks.
Mitsou Ronat, Noam Chomsky, Dialogue Discourse (DD), Generative Grammar (GG), Ronat-Chomsky Corpus (RCC).
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